

  • Business Strategies
  • Financial Analysis
  • Claims Management
  • Conflict Resolution
  • S.W.O.T. Analysis
  • Merger and Acquisition Analysis and Transitioning
  • Start Up Management

Project Management

  • Site Inspection
  • Floor Prep Analysis
  • Carpet Specification
  • Layout and Quantity Estimating
  • Adhesive, Pad and Supply Specification
  • Logistics and Delivery Planning
  • Assist with Installation Contractor Selection
  • Budget Estimating and Cost Analysis

Carpet Inspections

  • Woven Wilton, Axminster, and Velvet
  • Hand Loomed and Flat Woven
  • High Value Installation Failure

Hand Sewing and Woven Carpet - Two Day Comprehensive Course

  • Advanced techniques in hand sewing seams and cross seams
  • Five (5) stitch types and when to use them
  • How to cut and treat seams
  • How woven carpet is manufactured
  • How to recognize the different types of woven carpet
  • How to reburl, fix pulls and repair woven carpet

Carpet Fundamentals

Carpet Fundamentals is a must for sales associates, designers, specifiers, installation managers, or anyone new to the carpet industry. The course utilizes the CRI Carpet Primer and details the fundamentals of how carpet is made, specified, installed, and maintained. This will be the basic foundation and technical knowledge you need as a flooring professional. Also included is carpet's role in environmental issues, specifically indoor air quality and recycling. 

Navigating The CRI Installation Standards

The CRI installation standards are the minimum requirement for installation of carpet based upon reliable principles and procedures developed through practical experience, research, and information obtained from manufacturers, retailers, installers, end users, testing laboratories, and others who have specialized expertise. These standards are used by industry professionals and inspectors when determining causes of installation failure. 

How to Read and Understand Carpet Tests 

Carpet testing is essential for commercial applications and some residential applications. This course will provide you the basic understanding carpet testing and how to read & understand the test results. We will review five of the most common tests requested in our industry plus vertical flame tests for aviation. 

Basic Layout, Plan Takeoffs, and Estimating 

Every job begins with a good plan and layout. This course is a must for sales associates, designers, specifiers, installation managers, or anyone in pre-installation management.